Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 6 Temple of Apollo and Mountain Towns

The day we visited the Temple of Apollo was very foggy.  The white tent like structure covers the temple to protect it from the weather.

Another view of the tent from another direction.

The temple is being restored.  The equipment and opening are for the people working on the temple.

The front of the temple.  The collars on the columns and the truss work inside are stabilizing the columns until their foundations are restored.

Looking down the left side.  This temple is high up in the mountains south west of Olympia.  although some of the temple had fallen down in earthquakes, all of the pieces are still there.  The temple was so far away that it was not worth the time for people to use it as a quarry for building later buildings.

Looking down the right side.  The foundation is in better shape on this side.

This is the back side.  You can see the fully restored foundation.  Once the foundation is resorted there is no need for the collars at the top.  The column off to the side has been lifted by a crane off it's foundation so the foundation can be fixed.  It will then be put back in place.  This project has been on going for over 20 years.  It looks as if it will require a couple more generations of restorers to compete it.  I only hope the tent can last that long.

Beautiful mountain town with all stone buildings.

Closer view of the village.  None of the roofs here are flat.  There is too much snow in the winter.

Power plant way in the distance.

Another mountain village in the same area near the Temple of Apollo.

More of the village.

Village with surrounding mountains.

Lunch by the fire.  It was cold and foggy again.

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