Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 4 Nimea and on to Olympia

This tunnel at Nimea leads to the games stadium.  This is where the athletes would enter.  It was a very important discovery.  Until this was found, it was thought that the Greeks didn't know how to build arches.  Evidently they did know!  And it seems to have lasted awhile.

This is one of the temples at the sanctuary at Nimea.  Hercules was here.  One of his labors took place with the Nimean lion.   I was very fun to be allowed to walk into the temple and touch the columns.

Over the mountains to the west of Nimea.  We were lost at the time.  We thought we were going to drive through the village in the valley.  We missed the turn off somewhere along the way.

Up into the fog.  This beast startled us.  It is a very large goat, but it looks to us like a very large bull on our first glimpse.

More goats in the fog.

Over the mountains and a view of the decent towards the west coast and Olympia.  the town is called Kandila.  We visited family of Peter, my coworker.  This is his father's village.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  It was positively sparking in the sunlight.

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