Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 3 Napvlio All Day

We spent this day on a walking tour of Napvlio and visited the art museum.

This is taken from the main platia looking toward an old mosque that is now a community center.  The hillside behind is one of the many castles that cap the mountains to the southeast of the city.

This is the school.  You can't hear the noise in the picture.  The children were on recess when we took the picture.  Lots of energy!

A pretty carved fountain from the Turkish times.

Looking up at the largest castle.

The castle in the harbour.

Looking at a castle wall and the town that climbs up to the base of the walls.

An archway at the entrance of the steps up to one of the castles.  About 1,000 steps to the top.  WE drove up the road on the other side!  Not enough time to walk it.  At least that was the excuse at the time.

at the entrance of one castle looking up the the highest castle in the distance.

Looking down on the city from one of the castles.

Classic castle stone work with a pretty cypress tree.

A nice view of Napvlio from the highest castle.  Mycenae is located way in the back ground up near the mountains.

Two castles from the highest castle.  We walked on the pathway around the point of land.

Pretty view through an arch.

another pretty view.  You can see the castle in the harbor.  From here it looks tiny.

Dramatic castle wall view.

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