Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 9 Second day at Mystra

Pretty painting on the front of an old iconostasis.

More pretty painting.

The church interior.

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Small Church with pretty brick work.

Entry to a monastery inside the city walls.

Monastery and Brother Grier.

Monastery Church.

Another view of the church.

Monastery cat.

Suzanna posing as a mysterious phantom of the monastery.

The phantom comes out into the light of day.

Phantom peaking around a corner.

The phantom dissapears.

Leaving the monastery.

Gorund floor of a wealthy citizens home.

this is the same house showing the well that leads into the cistern below the floor.

Wooden lids on pithoi.

An active convent inside the city walls.

Inside the convent.

Exit from the convent.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 8 Mystra Byzantine City

Our first day spent at Mystra.   The many pictures that follow are views of and from Mystra unti we get to the pictures of the city of Sparta.  Mystra has three concentric sets of walls.  The highest ones surround the castle.  The next ones down encircle the government center and the palace, the lowest set of walls surround the majority of the residential area.

Restored palace.

The largest church in the city.

Sparta in the distance.

the walk up to the highest castle walls.

Reconstruction of the outer dress from medieval times.  I think I will make one someday.

Sparta from our hotel balcony.

The smallest traffic circle in the world.  This is located at the intersection of the two main roads in Sparta.  Very entertaining to watch.

Our favorite restaurant from our entire trip  It's in Sparta.

Next the the restaurant.  This is where they bring your dessert from!

Sparta on Day 8 looking west towards the mountains where Mystra is located.

Hotel lobby decor.

Second day at Mystra.