Saturday, December 6, 2014

Martin and Lee

Wonderful discussions on whatever topic floated through our minds. It seems like when you get Lee and Martin together there is never a shortage of interesting discussions to have.  So much so, that it was difficult to look around at the scenery because we were so involved in our discussions.  I’m pretty sure they were discussions although someone listening in may have asked what we were arguing about.  At any rate they were extremely fun.  Sometimes Lee and Martin delved into things that I was unsure of what we were talking about.  This is not a reflection on them; it’s a reflection on me.  It was physics, math, computers and inventing things and the possibility of being able to do a particular thing or not, and what would happen if you did and Martin saying yes, yes and Lee saying; What?   Or the other way around…

These are some pictures of a hike we went on.  There were lots of ropes ladders and rocks.  It was lovely and best of all cool and there was water flowing in the stream.  Lee and Martin went ahead; Grier and I were a little slower.  For example, we found a perfect spot for a nap.

Martin and Lee did their best to help us out concerning picture management on our computer.  Martin set us up with an Apple Tower thing.   I understood what he was saying as he did it, but now have lost all memory of what he did.  We will have to invite him for a visit when we go back to Poulsbo to get us set up again!  Lee tried very hard to educate me concerning how to work photograph files on our Apple computer.  I am used to a PC and have challenges with the Apple logic.  Lee was patient but was getting tired of showing me things over and over and over.  I definitely feel like an old dog trying to learn new tricks.   The upshot of all this is that I am painfully slow at finding and attaching pictures to our Blog.  It’s fun to write the stories, but painful to dig for the pictures.

I have no pictures of Martin, but he really was here.  He is a photographer and took many pictures, but always managed to stay out of any pictures I was taking.  I'm not sure how he did it.

The beginning of our hike down Patsos Gorge

Shortly after we started, Grier need ed to take a break.

Yes, he fell asleep.

Tree becoming part of the rock.

More Patsos Gorge

Pretty waterfall.

The trail had ladders ropes and chains to help you get ofvr the rocks in places.

Swimming hole


Person thinking about swimming.  I only got my feet wet.

An interesting rock

Hiker on the way out of the canyon.

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