Saturday, December 6, 2014

Just Lee and Us

We continued to eat as much as possible.  Thassa the dog ate many pairs of flip flops.  Lee and Grier spent day after long summer day going swimming, drawing, and reading, bike riding, playing music, and playing backgammon.    I went to work.

We went on two camping trips together.  The highlight of one was watching a Cycada turn from a grub to a winged insect.  Three chairs around a tree, in the dark, and a flash light and an hour and a half later it had wings.  We were so hungry we had to make the 10 steps to the taverna before we saw it fly away.  I checked on it later and it was gone, so it must have flown up into the tree.  The highlight of our other camping trip was playing games with friends at the taverna and swimming by moonlight.  We are forever spoiled concerning camping.  I’m not sure if we still be able to convince ourselves to go to a campground that isn’t on the beach and doesn’t have a built in Taverna complete with all the usual suspects (Greek salad, souvlaki, tzaziki, boiled greens, fresh French fries, wine, Raki…) about 10 steps away from our camp site!

Grier and Lee went on a 10 day driving tour of Crete and to a wind surfing camp. I went to work.  It’s a good thing I like my job.  The summer flew by and then our trio came to an end.  Grier and Lee left for the states in mid-August.  It was painful to see them go but I had the fun of preparing for a visit from my sister Julie.  She was only here for a week, but there was no grass growing under our feet and I didn’t work.  We continued to eat.  

An outing and  nice luck in a mountain will age.  Thassa is being a good dog under the table.

Sheep pipes at Omalos Plateau

Angelic Leland in the 4,000 year old Olive tree

Our campsite at No Problem Campground

View of Aghia Galini from the beach next to No Problem camp ground

Aghia Galini

Grier and Lee waiting for me

Moon from Aghia Galini

Agia Triada Minoan Site

Pretty beach on the south coast

Nice view of the south coast

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