Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 2 Naphlio, Mycenea, and Asini

Mycenaean Pottery.  The following museum pictures are from the Archeological museum at Napvlio.

Votive statues, about 4 inches tall

Mothers holding children votive statues.

Mycenaean pottery looking very much like Minoan pottery.

More beautiful Mycenaean pottery.

Mycenaean pomegranate.  Symbol of prosperity and abundance.

Armor from the time of Homer's story of the Trojan War (Mycenaean).

Main platia in Napvlio.  The museum is the stone building at the far end of the platia.  For a short time Napvlio was the capital of Greece.  The city built some lovely buildings and platias at that time.  Then the capital was switched to Athens.  At the time the residents were not likely very happy about the change.  But in the long run I think they were lucky.  They now have a stunningly lovely small city, unlike Athens.

Street in Napvlio.

Our hotel was on this street.  It was called The Filyra.

The doorway to our hotel is on the right.

A Cyclopen wall at Mycenae.  This is the city where the Greeks set out from to go to Troy.  Agamemnon was the king at this time.   This was about 1600 BC.

The Lion Gate at Mycenae with Suzanna for size.

The stone city walls with Grier for size.

Part of the grave circle at Mycenae.

The view from Mycenae.  The Mycenaeans ruled of the valley all the way to Napvlio.

Another pretty view with the palace wall.

The way down into the city cistern that was dug into the rock under the city.  It was filled from a spring outside the city walls that flowed into the cistern through underground culverts.  The spring is still producing water today.

Another city gate.

Mycenaean tholos (round) tomb.

Entry to the tomb with Suzanna for size.  I'm standing on a pedestal that once held a tall column that was part of a ceorative facade to the tomb.

From inside the tomb looking out.

Another one looking out.

Looking back at the setting of Mycenae.  It's on the low hill in front of the big mountain.

View from another ancient site called Asini.  This is just south of Napvlio.

Looking at the beach to the east from Asini.

A charming site in Asini.  I can't help but think that this must have been a site of a sanctuary.

Another view of the beach close to sunset.

Stone steps and clover Asini.

Sunset from Asini looking toward the resort village of Tolo.

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