Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dream Come True

I am very happy to report that my Cousin Dian was able to come for a visit. Dian has lived in Greece for over 30 years. During that time she has never been able to come to my home for a visit. Now she was able to come! Even though I had to move my home to Greece for her to be able to come. It was truly a dream come true. We spent time together as children and had many memories to recall. We had a lovely visit and dinner with Christina and Kostas. Christina is a friend of Dian's from Ionnina in northern Greece. Christina is also our Greek teacher. Lucky for us Kostas loves to cook so we always have a wonderful treat when we have dinner with him.

We also had the pleasure of visiting Dian's relatives in Crete at a small village in the mountains. Nikis and Mimis were wonderful hosts, Dian was a stellar translator, and Eftihia (Nikis, mother) was lovely. Nikis dinner was the best traditional Cretan food we have had on Crete or ever expect to have again. We even got to meet a neighbor friend and a donkey. We toured Nikis and Eftihia's olive orchard, picked grapes, went for a swim in the Libyan Sea and ate more great food. And not to forget another of Niki's long time friends invited us to share in a celebration for his daughter's graduation and acceptance into college. There must have been over 100 people at the party. There was much singing, dancing, and I'm pretty sure much sprits, given the spirited nature of the party!

Right now our nephew Jeff is visiting us. Lucky for us. It was sad to see Dian leave and has been very cheering to have Jeff with us. One of our blogs to come will be Adventures with Jeff.
It's starting to cool off now. Jeff went swimming this evening and said that the water was warmer the deeper he went and that the surface water was chilly. But that if you really wanted to warm up you could pick up a rock off the bottom, they were nice and warm!

1 comment:

  1. it's 45 degrees and pouring rain here today. That's amazing that the water is warmer the deeper you go. Enjoying the photos. Thanks for you posts.
