Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Day or Two in Stavros Early Morning at Our House (part 1)

In case you don’t get a chance to visit us in Stavros, this is your chance to get an idea what it is like in our town. I’m hoping that these pictures do more to encourage you to come for a visit than to discourage you. I find them very encouraging because there are so many unusual and interesting things to see, never the same old thing over and over. I guess I could understand how someone might find it a little alarming. The abrupt variety of architectural invention is a bit extreme. But, I guess I find it exciting and refreshing. I started taking pictures around the house early one morning, found so many beautiful things to photograph, just at the house, that by the time I went for a walk to take more pictures I ran out of space on the camera. So, instead of these pictures spanning one day it took more than one day! What is missing are the wonderful smells of herbs, pines, jasmine and other things I can’t identify, toasting in the sunshine, loud bug sounds (cicadas), loud barking sounds (dogs), cheerful beach voices (people), and the back drop of waves whooshing (water). I hope you enjoy the pictures, the smells, and the sounds.

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