Monday, September 14, 2015

Walk to Doulianna

These are some pictures taken along the short walk from Gavalachori to Doulianna and back along some back roads and an old donkey trail.


We need to fence our hard when we get home.  Here is an idea for a gate across the driveway.


Note the rock on top of my hat.  It was a bit breezy.

This road appeared to be paved with very large flat stones.

Another chaplet.

Doggie freedom!

The White Mountains.

Another chaplet.

Wells outside of Dulianna.

Another gate idea.


The temptation is great.

More of Doulianna.

Down the hill to the donkey trail.

Old fountain near the chapel.

Doggie entering the chapel yard.

More mysterious paving stones.  Thassa is wondering how the road was made too.

More pretty wild flowers.

Back in Galalachori.

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