Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tombs and Rocks

Oh my goodness.  I already published this blog!  As you can see I am having a hard time keeping up with things.  I can't even remember what I have done or haven't done.

We had beautiful weather and so took advantage of the day to take a drive to the south coast to see some pretty rocks at Saint Paul’s.  We had tried to go see these rocks the summer of 2013 but were thwarted by the crowds at the beach below the rocks.  So in the summer the beach you see is covered with sun bathers and it is impossible to park near the beach.  The summer of 2013, we didn’t even get out of the car nor could we turn around once we got there.  Grier had to back up for quite a distance when we made our get away.  These lovely beaches, in the summertime, are places to go and stay for a week and enjoy the sun and the beach.  They are not good one day destinations.

On the way there we stopped at some Minoan tombs.  We had tried to go to these tombs several times, but they were always closed.  This day they were open.  There are over 200 of these tombs in this area and they are amazing.  I didn’t quite take 200 pictures of the tombs, but almost.  I won’t post all of them though!  Grier and I think that the tombs are symbolic of the reversal of the birth process.  The diseased person returns to the final resting place through a long narrow passage way into a dark womb like structure deep below the ground.  Whether or not this is true, doesn’t much matter, since we aren’t scholars on the subject, and can just enjoy using our imaginations.  There were enough burials in this area to allow the real scholars to say that the people living here lived on the average into their mid to late 20s, and that they had bad teeth and many diseases.

We also took a road (tried to take it) along the coast.  The severe winter weather this past winter had made the road impassable.  But the beach was lovely and Thassa enjoyed running up and down the beach like a nut or rather like a puppy.  Anyway she lost her collar and we could not find it.

The Lefka Ori (White Mountains).

Rock cut tombs.

Psilortis Mountains.

The end of the road.  We had some storms in December and early January that caused a lot of road damage such as this road that we tried to take.

The rocks are amazing.  It just doesn’t seem possible that rocks can be made to bend like this.  

St. Pavlos Beach below the rocks.

Sunset on the Psiloritis Mountains.

Sunset on the Psiloritis Mountains.

Sunset on the Psiloritis Mountains.

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