Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Walk to the White Bump

I took a short walk from Stavros north along the Stavros Bay. If you look at the photographs of the map, and find the arrow pointing to a circle that I drew around a bump sticking out into the sea, you can see where these pictures are from. It's along the north coast of the Akrotiri Peninsula. The rocks at this "white bump" are weathered in very beautiful intricate ways. I also took some pictures of the mountains along the coast line next to the bump. The picture of the sun shining through clouds looks back towards Stavros. There are lots of rocks here weathered into the most incredible forms. So far I have been collecting small examples but have been preparing Grier for the idea that I think I will want to bring some large (very large) examples home as well! According to the Geology guide that I have, the rocks in this area are phylite-quartzite nappe. Another book says that they are crystalline limestone. I just put some vinegar on one of the rocks I brought home. It fizzed, I'm voting for crystalline limestone! The last picture is of the very cool fizzy rock.

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