Sunday, November 3, 2013

Between Then and Now, Argirouplois

Argrioupolis is south and east of Chania, up in the mountains a bit. It is built on top of the Roman city Lappa. The town is divided in two parts, the upper and lower. The upper is perched high on a hill side with lovely views; the lower part is in a small canyon filled with springs and waterfalls. We stayed in the upper part and hiked down the donkey trail to the lower part, where we ate dinner and then we hiked back up in the dark. We had a bit of an adventure finding a hotel. We ended up stopping at a house along the Main Street that had the door open and the old folks watching what was passing by on the street, which was us. After I went into the house for some cookies with the Grandma, the Grandpa took Grier to find a person that rented some rooms. And so we found a hotel. We had planned to stay two nights but the weather didn't cooperate with the type of clothes we brought. It was surprisingly cold and windy. So we only stayed one night. But I would like to go back someday, especially to find the gentleman that gave us an amazing tour of the town so we can thank him properly. We got to go inside some old buildings, look down into one of the opening to the old Roman cisterns, see his antique camera and last but not least we went to the hidden shed with the hidden Raki still and shared a drink with him. We went for a walk the second day down to the Necropolis of Lappa where we saw the 2,000 year old Plane tree and some poetry. Then we were too cold to stay so we drove over the mountains to the south shore and had dinner overlooking the beach where people were swimming and sun bathing. Se we warmed up and yet again had a wonderful meal. I am going to have to start taking pictures of the meals more often, they are so beautiful! Forgot to mention that we got to hear some traditional music and dancing at the lower village.

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