Friday, November 8, 2013


There are a lot of dogs in Stavros and also a lot of ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ ΣΚΥΛΟΣ (Beware of the Dog) signs. You can debate if there are more dogs than signs, more signs than dogs, or more dogs to beware of than there are signs warning you to be wary; but there is no debate that there are a wonderful variety of signs and some doggone creative dog owners.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Between Then and Now, Some odds and ends

These are some pictures from around Akrotiri. Akrotiri is the area where we live. There is a picture of the three ladies going to town, some of the Agia Triada Monastery, some nice views of Chania and the sunset from our house.

Between Then and Now Margaritas

Margaritas is a pottery village. We went there to find giant pithoi. There is a potter there that still makes them like they have been made for thousands of years. We picked out three beautiful pots with lids. They are not the largest ones that he makes but they are the largest ones that Grier and I can move. Here are some pictures of the potter and his daughter. She is also a potter and makes very beautiful smaller pottery. The grandson is learning how to make the big pots, so there is hope that the tradition will continue.

The pretty architecture is at the monastery at Margaritas.

I've also included a cute barking dog picture from Margaritas.

Between Then and Now Botanical Park

Here are some pretty pictures from the Botanical Park. It is located up in the hills just south of Chania. It is located on some old olive terraces that had burned in a forest fire. We also had lunch there and got to eat some of the fruits that we saw growing in the park. Guava and something called blue pilly billy berries (I think).

The animals are Kri Kri. The sign says that the tree trunks are painted white to keep them from being sun burned. I have also heard that the white paint has lime in it that keeps bugs off the tree. I like the trees painted white because they are pretty and so that after dark you can see where they are so you don't run into them and they help tell where the edge of the road is.