Sunday, June 23, 2013


We have been very busy and haven't had a chance to write for about two weeks. We moved into our house in Stavros then our niece Andi came for a visit and stayed for 12 days. We went on many exploratory voyages with St. Lucy. We got lost and ended up on some incredible roads. We Went to some incredible beaches and ate lots of tzaziki, Greek salad, fresh fried potatoes, and lots of other fresh food, wine, raki,... Andi is back in Sweden now and we are missing her, which in turn is making me miss all our friends back home. Hmm, looks like I better get busy again before I get too sad.

The wind is calming down a bit, the cicadas are humming or rather screaming loudly and Grier is cooking on the out door grill. We're using briquettes until we get a tutorial on using wood. Grier needs me to set the table, so I'll get busy with that.

Done. Took a picture of the table and Grier cooking. Now I'm going to post some pictures that we have been saving to put on the blog. There are a few of the house after we got moved in, and then mostly of our various excursions with Andi. There are a couple pictures of our guest room just so you know it actually exists. take care, Yasas!

1 comment:

  1. We're really enjoying your pictures and commentary, Suzanna! thanks for posting them. Such history, with the peoples and cultures that have come and gone. Sounds like you're enjoying your time there. Tell Greer not to work to hard.
