Thursday, May 2, 2013


We arrived late, late last night and slept until nearly two in the afternoon today. Not too late, though, to take the short walk to the Stavros beach and dip our toes in the Med. Nor too late to have our first Cretan dinner at a taverna along the shore: a Cretan salad, stuffed tomatoes, stuffed eggplant, followed by small warm honey covered cheese pies and raki (the local moonshine). Grier liked the raki, Suzanna was not so sure.

We returned to find out that Nogan (the white cat) had escaped our apartment and was getting to know the neighborhood cats. We broke up the fight and fished her out of the bushes.

Photo is the view from our apartment looking North.

1 comment:

  1. Hey hey - what a wonderful beginning!! And what a view. Can't wait to hear more - been thinking about you all week. SIGH.
