Monday, May 6, 2013


We are slowly getting acclimated to the new time zone and the new climate. We're told that it's not hot yet, though its in the high 80s and that it won't rain until sometime next September; not sure living in Poulsbo prepared us for this.

But living in Sicily did make our first driving experience easier. This past Saturday we drove into Hania, the big city nearby, and were surprised to see traffic signals and drivers following them. Catania, Sicily (a city several times larger than Hania) has only two or three signals and their use is optional. Plenty of traffic in Hania, though, and we had to wiggle our way though all the one-way streets to the West side of town before we found parking.

This trip we briefly hit the high spots: the waterfront, the shopping areas in the old town, the Cathedral, Mosque, Turkish baths, and made note of where the museums are for future reference. We also walked by several sites where the old, old, old Greek and Minoan cities are being excavated, showing that Hania is very old indeed.

While in town we looked at some possible places to rent. Take a look at the photos and tell us which one you like the best.


  1. The sky looks so, so blue in these photos! Stars at night or too many lights? And is it definitely Hania where you will find a place to live? Sounds like the cats are settling in....

  2. Thanks for the 80 degree weather that you sent us fri. thru sun. Hope you find the "just right" apartment for those cats. Grier be careful with unknown Grog!
