Saturday, October 15, 2016


In July 2015 we had a visit from a friend of Lee's named Yajit.  We had a delightful time and are so glad he came for a visit.  I'll let the picture narrations tell a few of our stories with Yajit.

Yajit liked the Cretan food!

Yajit enjoying the view of the south coast.  We were trying to go see a forest up in the mountains but gave up because of the steep rough road.  But the view was lovely.

Olive wood craft man shop in Polyrehena.
Lovely bougainvillea in Polyrhena.

Shepherds hut.

View north from  Polyrehena.
Grier and Yajit walking in  Polyrehena.
View from our dinner table on the west coast.
View from our dinner table on the west coast.
View from our dinner table on the west coast.
A vegetarian feast!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Camping at Paleochora

Paleo Chora looking east.

Paleo Chora looking east.

Wave splash.

Wind on the flag.

Even more wind on the flag.

Looking back on the beach where we camped.

Thassa in the wind.  Note the wind blown ears.

Camping spot next to the beach.

Our new tent for the back of St. Lucy.

Canyon and chalet ont he way home.

Grier with the chaplet.

Grier says "yes I think we can get a picture of both of us with the chaplet."  Suzanna says "I doubt it."

Suzanna with chaplet.

Walk to Doulianna

These are some pictures taken along the short walk from Gavalachori to Doulianna and back along some back roads and an old donkey trail.


We need to fence our hard when we get home.  Here is an idea for a gate across the driveway.


Note the rock on top of my hat.  It was a bit breezy.

This road appeared to be paved with very large flat stones.

Another chaplet.

Doggie freedom!

The White Mountains.

Another chaplet.

Wells outside of Dulianna.

Another gate idea.


The temptation is great.

More of Doulianna.

Down the hill to the donkey trail.

Old fountain near the chapel.

Doggie entering the chapel yard.

More mysterious paving stones.  Thassa is wondering how the road was made too.

More pretty wild flowers.

Back in Galalachori.